
Clubs, Events & Committee Descriptions

Each year the Forest Glen PTA offers several clubs and events which are run by a number of committees. While they vary each year, due to the talents and availability of our volunteers, below are some of the mainstays. If you have any questions or are interested in serving on a committee or creating a new club, please contact our VP of Committees at

AmbassadorsAmbassadors is a 5th grade community service group.Organize and lead group members in service projects throughout the year.
Author VisitsOnce a year, childrens’ authors lead assemblies for the students.Secure the author visit time/date, set-up/clean up the event if needed.
Bingo NightBingo Night is an evening event attended by FG students, families & staff.Manage sign-ups, order food & prizes, set up the gym, schedule Bingo callers/volunteers & handle all supplies/clean-up.
Book FairThe Book Fair is a pop-up bookshop set up in the school gym. It is “open” during the school day and in the evening. A percentage of sales goes back to the PTA.Work with vendor pre-sale, run the day-of activities and help promote the event.
Brain FuelBrain Fuel is a lunchtime book club offered to students in grades 1-5. Parent volunteers lead the discussions.Secure classroom space for weekly meetings, locate appropriate books from area libraries and work with group leaders who run weekly activity/discussion groups.
Chess ClubStudents in grades K-5 are all welcome to join this club, to help learn or perfect their chess skills.Set the meeting schedule (usually held in the evening), secure a chess master, promote/market the club, organize the competitions.
Community OutreachCommunity Outreach is a district-wide PTA sponsored program. FG students/families help provide gently used or new clothing, food, etc. for any District 41 families in financial need.Advertise and organize the collection of goods, as needed.
Variety ShowFG students participate in an arts production each year. Past years have been a combination of skit acting & song/dance numbers. Practices are typically held weekly (either before or after school), with the production taking place on stage at a local venue. 5th graders play a larger role in the production, so it is helpful to have at least 1-2 5th grade parents on the committee.Select and develop a theme/production story, secure a date/venue, organize parent volunteer teams, promote/market the show, lead dress rehearsal and production day.
Parent’s Night OutWinter fundraiser – Dueling PianosChairs will secure a venue, entertainment, items for silent auction, promoting the event, ticket sales and food/beverages.
Field DayField Day is a day of fun and games for the students, held at the end of the school year. Usually taking place on FG grounds, the kids participate with the class in various contests/races.Come up with the game ideas, secure equipment, put together a schedule (2 sessions) & coordinate a team of volunteers.
5th Grade PartyA party is held for 5th graders to celebrate the end of the school year.Order t-shirts, organize party details, communicate to 5th grade parents/teachers as plans transpire.
Flower & Plant SaleStudents may purchase flowers/plants during this event, taking place during the school day.Promote/market the sale, distribute/collect order forms, set-up/run sale with team of volunteers.
Boy’s/Girls’ Running ClubFor 3rd-5th grade girls and boys. Program kicks off in late March, meets approx. 1x/week (mornings, before school, TBD) and culminates at end of May.1 or 2 committee chairs needed, along with 6 “coaches” who help at the weekly meetings (typically rotate coaches with a schedule so that each coach attends 3-4 of the meetings, and can find a sub if needed).
Hearing & VisionForest Glen offers Hearing, Vision & Dental screening days.Organize a group of volunteers to help on screening days. Put children/parents at ease who are participating.
High Interest Day
1st & 2nd grades
High Interest Day is special day for students to explore different careers, hobbies and activities. Parents and/or community members lead hands-on workshops in their areas of expertise. This is a half-day event.Solicit workshop leaders and run day-of event activites.
High Interest Day 3rd, 4th & 5th gradesHigh Interest Day is special day for students to explore different careers, hobbies and activities. Parents and/or community members lead hands-on workshops in their area of expertise. This is a full-day event.Solicit workshop leaders and run day-of event activites.
High Interest Day LunchThe PTA provides lunch for workshop leaders, volunteers and staff on High Interest Day.Solcit volunteers to donate food/beverage, serve lunch, set-up and clean-up room.
Hobby NightHobby Night is an opportunity for students to showcase their collections (e.g., Beanie Boos, soccer jerseys, coins). Each participant sets ups their display and other students/families walk around and view them.Market/promote the event, handle registration, manage set-up/clean up and coordinate student recognition (goody bag).
Ice Cream SocialStudents, families and staff congregate for a night of ice cream and playground time to kick-off the new year.Order supplies (Dairy Queen), promote/market event, set-up distribution station, pass out ice cream (with volunteers), clean up.
Library Volunteer CoordinatorParent volunteers assist in the FG Library, shelving books and helping with other tasks.Solicit volunteers, work with Librarian to set schedule.
ReflectionsReflections is a national PTA arts program/competition. Students of all grade levels may submit their works of art relecting a common theme. This may be in any form- a dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography or visual art piece.Manage submission process, ensure all requirements are met with each entry, promote/market program, solcit judges with backgrounds in artistic categories, organize/host open house showcase for all Reflections participants.
Restaurant NightOn designated nights, local restaurants donate a percentage of their earnings to the PTA.Solcit partipating restaurants, select dates, promote/market events.
School Supplies KitsForest Glen students may order the required school supplies through our vendor. They pick up the kits up before the start of school in the gym.Work with teachers to determine which supplies are needed for each grade, work with vendor supplier, handle ordering (done in April), organize a group of volunteers to set up/distribute kits in August.
ScholarshipThe PTA donates scholarship money to a GBW student pursing a Bachelor’s of Education.Read/score essay submissons.
Science FairThe Science Fair is open to all FG students to present their scientific findings.Promote/market the fair, organize sign-ups, select judges (teachers and/or community members affiliated with science),distribute awards.
Spirit WearStudents order FG t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. to wear on school “Spirit Days”.Facilitates the ordering process
Teacher Appreciation WeekFG teachers are honored during a special week in May. Each day, students have a different “assignment” (e.g., bring a flower, write a thank-you), with a staff luncheon on Friday.Organize activities for each day of the week, including a staff luncheon on Friday.
YearbookForest Glen creates a yearbook each school year.Schedule photographers for all relevant school events. Work with team of volunteers to design/layout & proof pages. Help promote/market yearbooks, assist with ordering/distribution.

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